Still life, Evaristo Baschenis (1660), The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo (detail) - Symbol of time passing

Aging in Canada

Looking back at the year 2017 in statistics, Statistics Canada announced that for the first time in the very long history of the census, "there were more seniors (aged 65 and older) than children (aged 14 and younger)" . This gives us the opportunity to look at the evolution of aging in Canada, with the … Continue reading Aging in Canada

Rational Addiction to Heroin and Other Drugs

In Summary A popular approach that economists take to study the use of illegal drugs is the concept of rational addiction. The idea is that individuals willingly choose to consume heroin and other drugs, as they would do with food, goods or services. While this idea is controversial, it allows both researchers and policymakers to … Continue reading Rational Addiction to Heroin and Other Drugs