On top of Mona Kea

Gatien and Patrice on top of the Mona Kea
Gatien and Patrice on top of the Mona Kea

Our emblematic photo. We drove to the top of the fantastic Mona Kea, the inactive northern volcano of Hawaii island, for the view, for the fun of driving a 4×4 on a good slope, and to visit the W. M. Keck Observatories. The clouds were below us, the temperature closer to freezing, and the sky exempt from any light pollution – a change of scenery from snorkeling and the beach a few hours before.

We are both scientists at heart, so this adventure to the top and having a chance to look at the galaxy under a different lens felt like a milestone. Also, this is where the idea of our blog Non Solum Data came to be. Many discussions, even more ideas… if only we had time to write!

Gatien de Broucker
January 2015
On the top of Mona Kea on Hawaii island, HI, United States

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Health economist at Johns Hopkins University

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